Summer is gradually coming to an end, hopefully everyone will have time to enjoy it as it will be a darker time again and we would like to present a few new features.
The above could be mentioned about Fabbian Lens F46. The luminaire is an interesting novelty. Available in 600, 900 diameters and 1060mm in combination. The light source is LED 26W and the largest 3 * 26W, light output 2400lm and the largest 3 * 2400lm. Color rust, bronze or a combination thereof.
Other interesting new features in Fabbia are the spot series Claque, hanging Olympic, system Freeline, Metropole, foot lamp Giunco and Beluga Royal. Take a look
Among the novelties in Prandina, the one above is pictured Led Machine and the one on the right Landing. Led Machine is a novelty available in two versions and in either black or white. Diameter 330mm. The light source is LED 30 + 25W and light output 5150lm.
Landing made as a hanging and table lamp. There are five different versions. Colors either white or black Electrical power 4.8W, light output 720lm. In the model S3 30W and in the table model 25W.
Although the calendar looked like summer, the tasks and work were not on hiatus. Numerous projects were worked on during the summer and were completed. One interesting destination is the Fitness Village Gym in Kaisaniemi, Helsinki, which is a new type of gym. There it is possible to combine fitness and the game world.
Such a project and much more has been done. We hope we can help you with your project as well.
We are also involved in Habitare In the showroom.
Laatuvalo toimittaa laadukkaita valaisimia yli 30 vuoden maahantuojan kokemuksella. Maahantuomme valaisimia kaikkiin tarkoituksiin. Valaistuksen suunnittelu ja ratkaisut ovat osa toimintaamme. Laatuvalon valaistussuunnittelu pohjautuu laajaan materiaalien, valaistuskäytäntöjen, tyylilajien sekä rakentamiseen ja remontoimiseen liittyvien prosessien tuntemukseen. Laatuvalossa pystymme ratkaisemaan kaikki valaistukseen liittyvät tehtävät.