Commercial and office lighting / Store lighting

Commercial and office lighting

Toimivan liike- toimisto- ja myymälävalaistuksen rakentaminen alkaa aina valaistussuunnitelman
laatimisella. Valaistussuunnittelussa on otettava huomioon brändimaailma, jota
the company, store or chain of stores in question represents. Lighting must be supported
requirements set by the brand. Other factors that guide the design are
practicality and energy efficiency. The rapid development of LED technology makes it possible
for example, depending on the need to emphasize different colors. There is enough in the collection
high-quality options for lighting solutions in shopping environments.
Onnistuneella valaistussuunnitelmalla varmistetaan myös toteutuminen
in a cost-effective way. At the same time, a successful customer experience is ensured and
increasing sales or comfortable and efficient office spaces. Investing in high-quality lighting is an investment in the future, as the economic lifetime of quality lighting is considerable
cheap products longer. In addition, high-quality lamps require much less
service and maintenance during its life cycle.

When choosing luminaires for the purchasing environment, the function of the luminaires must be taken into account
and the desired effect. The orientation and maintenance of the luminaires must not take too much time from the store's staff. Indeed, modern technology already enables intelligent
lighting systems controlled locally by, for example, smart devices. A well - functioning and well - designed lighting system promotes energy efficiency and
mahdollistaa erilaisen myymälänäkyvyyden esimerkiksi yö- ja päiväaikaan. Valon laatu on myös tärkeä, värintoisto, välkkyminen ja oikea värilämpötila on huomioitavia seikkoja valaisimien valinnassa.

Shop lighting

The same technical solutions can be used in the premises as in the stores. With knowledge lighting design voidaan vahvistaa yrityksen brändin rakentamista ja edistää työviihtyvyyttä puhumattakaan työterveydellisistä seikoista. Yrityksen imago rakentuu osaltaan toimitilojen perusteella. Valaistuksen avulla yrityksen toimitiloissa on mahdollista luoda haluttu ilme tukemaan brändin rakentamista. Esimerkiksi Arkos lightin, Rovasin, Light-Pointin ja Faro:n tuotteilla voidaan luoda persoonallisia ratkaisuja toimitilojen valaistukseen. Tyylikkäiden sisustusvalaisimien avulla luot erilaisia tunnelmia sisustukseen, esimerkkinä Zavaluce, Fabbian tai Faro. Näin varmistetaan asiakaskohtaamisen ainutlaatuisuus.

Laatuvalon lighting design pohjautuu laajaan materiaalien, valaistuskäytäntöjen, tyylilajien sekä rakentamiseen ja remontoimiseen liittyvien prosessien tuntemukseen.

Biophilic design

Biophilic design on ratkaisu, jolla saavutetaan aivan uudentyyppisiä viihtyvyys
and health factors. The design uses natural materials and living things
structures such as plants combined with lighting fixtures. The amount of light, the color temperature can therefore live according to the natural circadian rhythm. The goal is a space and atmosphere close to nature. Contact us and ask more about what we have already planned and what we have on the planning table!

Lighting concept

Lighting concept is an important entity in building brand identification. The importance of lighting should not be underestimated here either.

When creating a brand manual or other identification guidance for a brand,
it makes sense to include a section that details lighting
objectives, tools and instructions for use.

Savings and efficiency with lighting concept

When matters related to lighting are planned and documented, it is easier to negotiate business premises, for example, when the requirements for lighting are also clear. There is also often the potential for large savings, as the price of the retail space can also include lighting-related needs. It is also known in advance that the costs of new outlets will have been calculated, as most of the cost calculations have already been done.
Commercially, it is easier to reach the goals when the lighting is already largely planned in advance. The construction schedule also speeds up when there is no need to rethink the details of lighting. Cost savings will also be achieved when purchases have been tendered in advance and discussions on volume discounts have already taken place.

Stand out from the distance

Laatuvalo has implemented lighting sections for several brands in concept manuals. car shops, women's fashion shops, household chains and textiles. When you need help with lighting related to your brand, get in touch and we’ll discuss more.


Toimitilat joiden valaistuksen suunnitellut ammattilainen
Kauppakeskus Liilan kattavalaistus
Kauppakeskuksen kattovalaistuksen suunnittelu
Toimitilojen tunnelmavalaistus

Lighting manufacturers

In addition to the presentation of each luminaire manufacturer, you will find the manufacturer's Product Catalogs.

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