Lighting situation control

Tunnelman luomisessa korostuu valaistussuunnittelun merkitys. Asiantunteva suunnittelu lisää asumisviihtyisyyttä ja nostaa asunnon arvoa. Valaistuksella rakennetaan erilaisia tunnetiloja ja sopivalla valaistuksen tilanneohjauksella pystytään vaihtamaan tunnelmaa samassakin tilassa eri tilanteiden vaatimusten mukaisesti.

By controlling and adjusting the lighting, you can increase the comfort of living and the value of the home, as well as save energy. The adjustment also enables lighting situation control, which allows the lighting to be adapted to different situations and moods.
In its simplest form, the lighting can be adjusted with a control in the wall instead of a switch, for example a rotary control or a spring-return switch. Lighting control and regulation can also be part of a home automation system. Several control systems from different manufacturers are available for lighting. Today, there are also functional, wireless control systems on the market.
Understanding and comparing different control systems can be challenging. For this, it is a good idea to turn to a knowledgeable designer. From the very beginning of lighting design, it would be good to know whether the lighting will be controlled by a control system or by traditional switches and dimmers. When there is a clear line in the design at the beginning, unnecessary mistakes and ambiguities are avoided in the end.

In order to build the best possible integration of lighting (visuality, usability, quality, suitability for purpose), we recommend that the lighting plan be made well in advance of the project, before the electrical plan.

Erilaisia järjestelmiä valaistuksen ohjaukseen on todella paljon. kysy meiltä lisää niin ei tarvitse itse pohtia millainen järjestelmä sopii parhaiten juuri sinun tarpeisiin

Benefits of situation management:

lisää viihtyvyyttä

increases the value of the apartment

dimming extends lamp life and saves energy

Lighting range

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