| Laatuvalo

Steelhouse Group Oy

Finnish multidisciplinary company
which has acquired the business of Laatuvalo. Laatuvalo has been operating since 1994

About us

Steelhouse Group Oy is a Finnish company that acquired Laatuvalo's business. Laatuvalo was founded in 1994. We market and import lamps, luminaires and lighting systems, as well as lighting design and lighting conceptualisation.

The goal of QualityValue is to be a desirable, professional and responsive operator that delivers clearly measurable added value to its customers and partners. We continuously develop our product and service concepts to meet the changing and evolving needs of our customers.

At your disposal are the latest know-how in the industry as well as the highest quality and most versatile products and solutions. Our values are customer orientation, trust and high professionalism.

In lighting, design, procurement, supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance form a seamless chain of operations. Each part of the chain has an impact on the final result. As a lighting professional, we serve in different roles according to your needs. We identify the lighting needs of our customers and provide the most appropriate solutions.

development of business

Laatu Group Oy on suomalainen valaistusalan yritys, joka
was established in 1994.

| Laatuvalo



| Laatuvalo


Luminaire installed


| Laatuvalo


lighting design

| Laatuvalo


Brand represented


Over 20 brands
trust us

Laatu Group Oy on suomalainen valaistusalan yritys, joka on perustettu vuonna 1994. Markkinoimme ja tuomme maahan lamppuja, valaisimia ja valaistusjärjestelmiä sekä teemme valaistussuunnittelua ja valaistuskonseptointia. Varjoon Oy:n päämääränä on olla haluttu, ammattitaitoinen ja ripeä toimija, joka tuottaa selkeästi mitattavia lisäarvoja asiakkailleen ja yhteistyökumppaneilleen. Kehitämme jatkuvasti tuote- ja palvelukonseptejamme vastaamaan asiakkaidemme muuttuvia ja kehittyviä tarpeita.

| Laatuvalo

Contact us

Steelhouse Group Oy

Emalikatu 10 B
04440 Järvenpää

Phone +358 500573206
Email info@laatuvalo.fi

Online billing information
E-invoice address / EDI ID:


Broker ID:
003723609900 (Pagero Oy)

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